Geothermal test drilling and Thermal Response Test (TRT) of the geoexchanger at the Metropolitan Church of the Dormition of the Virgin of Giannitsa were completed with complete success. The data collected and the results of the TRT are entered into special software’s for the exact dimensioning of the geoexchangers. In this way, undersizing or oversizing of the geoexchangers is avoided and it is absolutely guaranteed that the geothermal system under design will work at maximum efficiency. The Church of the Dormition of the Virgin is located in the northern sector of Giannitsa, in the old district of Varosi and was built in the period 1858-1867. It has been designated by the Ministry of Culture as a historical monument (1987). It will be the first Holy Temple and at the same time the first historic preserved monument that will cover its thermal needs (and cooling) with a geothermal system. In buildings of special cultural heritage, the use of Renewable Energy Sources is required (in accordance with the UNESCO guidelines) in order to ensure their viability and sustainability. Geothermal energy, a mild Renewable Energy Source and available 24/365, highlights the timelessness of historic buildings with an eye to the future!
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GEOTHERMAL IN THE Dormition of the Theotokos Giannitsa
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